Saving Jia takes place in modern-day Boston, Massachusettes centered around an Asian American family who possess special abilities they’ve inherited from their ancestors before them. As with anyone given great power, they are each faced with the temptation of using their gifts for good or for evil. Power of love or the love of power? It’s a more difficult choice than you would think.
Being a visual artist and writer, my book covers always precede my writing. The images I choose sets the tone for my stories and keep me focused as I write. Which is why Saving Jia took a bit longer to kick off than my previous books. The cover evolved over the course of several weeks and I went through many iterations before I knew it was perfect.
A key element in this story is actually one of my totally weird ‘tics.’ My favorite number is 5, so any time I see 5:55 on a clock (especially a digital clock) I become fixated and will literally stare at the clock for a full minute until it changes to 5:56. As I said, it’s totally weird. However, it turned out to be a really cool part of this story.
Just a teaser to let you know what I’m working on! Until next time, happy reading!